The publishing house ACTAR was founded in 1993 in Barcelona with the objective of publishing titles that are a representative demonstration of the most influential practice and theory of established and emerging architects, designers and thinkers of contemporary culture. Consequently, ACTAR’S publishing program has become known internationally for disseminating the most innovative and risky works in the ambit of architecture, landscape architecture and urbanism.
Actar PublishersARCH+Architektūros centrasArchitektūros fondasArquineAtelier FischbachBartleboothBeta - Romanian Order of ArchitectsBINA Association of Belgrade ArchitectsBirkhäuserBlue Crow MediaCanadian Centre for Architecture (CCA)Coffee House PressCol·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)Danish Architectural Pressdpr-barcelonaEdiciones ARQForecastFrancoAngeliFundació Mies van der RoheHaus der ArchitekturInfinite Publication Series - Institute for Linear ResearchInstitut Ramon LlullIrish Architecture FoundationJovisKailas EditorialKayfa taLots of Architecture publishersMAS ContextMelita StudioNottetempoPrinceton Architectural PressPuente editoresRuby PressS AM Swiss Architecture MuseumSpace Space DepartmentThames & HudsonThe FunambulistThe Power PlantTheatrum MundiValizVerso Books