Forest, Body, City, Flow

Forest, Body, City, Flow

NOMAOS. Yue Mao, Radha Celine, Naomi van Dijck

Throughout this book, published by dpr-barcelona under the umbrella of Future Architecture, you may notice that landscapes of care do not limit themselves to physical spaces. Although in some cases taken to be forests or rivers, it is in fact the crucial plurality of spaces, activities, and relationships that characterises landscapes of care. Forests, bodies, and cities are only a few territories, but they represent the varied types of landscapes through which care can flow. We might therefore think of ‘landscapes of care’ as the practice linking different territories and bodies, and the landscape established by their interdependence.

Edited by: NOMAOS. Yue Mao, Radha Celine, Naomi van Dijck

Publisher: dpr-barcelona

Design: Carolina Aboarrage, Studio Kader

Dimensions: 17 x 24 cms

Number of pages: 208

Language: English

Cover: Soft Cover

ISBN: 978-84-122529-5-8

First year edition: 2021

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