The publication Experiments’ Platform 2023 is a reflection of the third edition of the mentorship programme for emerginig spatial researchers organised by Architektūros fondas. The publication invites to explore four projects: ‘A Room to Dream’ by Magdalena Beliavska, ‘Posters as Architectural Catalysts’ by Ervinas Blažys-Faktūra, ‘Space(s) for Melancholy’ by Vika Pranaitytė and ‘Redefine the Existing’ by Eglė Kliučinskaitė, through the texts accompanying visuals.
The publication also includes texts by the mentors of the platform: “To Take on Notice” by Aistė Ambrazevičiūtė and “Glitching” by Palace of Un/Learning (Max Utech and Bernadette Krejs), who joined from the European LINA platform.
Publication is concluded by the text “Space-Impacting Soft Powers” by Gabrielė Černiavskaja, curator of this season of the platform, which brings together reflections on and references to the research and discoveries of each of the participants.